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SEND Information Report

School Development Plan

Priority 1 : To improve standards and outcomes for all children in core subjects

  • Continuing the development and implementation of a high-quality Curriculum and review regularly
  • Ensuring that the needs of disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are met. 
  • Providing staff with subject leadership and subject knowledge enhancement where necessary
  • Building a culture of trust in peer-to-peer professional support 
  • Supporting staff to accurately assess children’s work
  • Focussing on improvement in Reading and driving improvement in English so that pupils gain the skills in reading and writing to meet Age Related Expectations (ARE) or better.

Priority 2: Ensuring high expectations for all pupil’s behaviour and attitudes to learning

  • Ensure a culture of high expectations and aspiration exists throughout the school for all pupils
  • Provide leadership opportunities for children in Key Stage 2

Priority 3: Leadership and management – Ensure Leadership and Management at South Witham Academy continues to improve.

  • Develop SLT to drive whole school targets
  • Ensure subject leaders are given the opportunity to support and develop
  • Work collaboratively with the MAT Senior Leadership Team
  • Work with governors to drive improvements

Priority 4: Early years- PSED- Phonics- Marketing, working with community

  • Develop links with the village and local community
  • Embed approved phonics scheme to drive improvement in early reading.
  • Review and develop pastoral opportunities within the school.


Every adult at South Witham Academy has a responsibility to ensure pupils are safe.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

Mr Andrew Atter

Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:

Miss Karen Hosmer

Whether you are worried about the welfare of your own child or another child at our school the above staff members should be contacted.

Operation Encompass

This is a charitable organisation set up in 2011 to address victims of domestic abuse. It provides an efficient, confidential channel of communication between police and schools.

Safeguarding Policy and Documents


Pupil Premium

This page contains downloable documents further down this page. Click here to reach them now.

As a part of our whole school determination to provide outstanding learning, all members of our school community, staff and Governors, are committed to meeting the academic, pastoral and social needs of all children. South Witham Academy is committed to 'narrowing the gap' in achievement for vulnerable pupils, and the use of the Pupil Premium Grant forms a part of this process. The formula for the Pupil Premium Grant is based on the numbers of children who receive Free School Meals and children who are eligible for support due to Armed Services Family commitments.

It is the responsibility of the Governing Body for each school to explain the Pupil Premium expenditure to parents in the form of an annual summary. There is no single format for this report, but at South Witham Academy we will provide information on how the funding has been used within school over the course of an academic year.

Our Principles:

  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our pupils.
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, and guarantee that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are assessed and addressed.
  • In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged; and that not all socially disadvantaged pupils qualify for or receive free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has identified as being socially disadvantaged.
  • Pupil Premium funding will be allocated following a careful analysis. This will also be used to identify and prioritise classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources mean that not all pupils receiving Free School meals will be in receipt of support at any one time.

Our Focus:

  • To use the Pupil Premium funding to accelerate the progress of vulnerable pupils to help ensure they achieve at least age related progress; and to target able, yet vulnerable children to achieve level 3 at the end of Key Stage 1 or level 5/6 at the end of Key Stage 2.

Our Provision:

  • To support the healthy development of pupils through access to Breakfast Club, for a short or longer term of attendance.
  • To purchase classroom based resources that support the academic, pastoral or social needs of pupils.
  • To provide increased learning support through intervention teaching or mentoring programmes.
  • To access staff training opportunities, including the following:-
    • Curriculum Development in Writing
    • Improving School Attendance
    • Planning and resources for the New Primary National Curriculum
    • Parent Engagement Programmes
  • To assist with funding for the costs of trips or excursions.
  • To aid in the purchase of school uniform or other necessary and suitable clothing.

Please click here for more information on Pupil Premium

Our Funding

Please see attachmens below for a breakdown of all funding received.


School policies cover every aspect of school life.

As Brooke Hill Multi Academy Trust we adopt the same policies at Edith Weston, Brooke Hill Academies.

If you would like a hard copy of any of these policies, or any other documents on our website, these can be obtained free of charge from the school office.

To access Trust policies please click here.

To access the Whistleblowing Policy please click here:


South Witham Academy Specific Policies


Early Years Policies